all postcodes in UB1 / SOUTHALL

find any address or company within the UB1 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB1 2ZS 0 51.5075 -0.378483
UB1 2AA 32 2 51.512149 -0.376546
UB1 2AD 37 0 51.513023 -0.376644
UB1 2AE 18 0 51.515188 -0.376539
UB1 2AF 16 0 51.51436 -0.377101
UB1 2AG 11 0 51.515554 -0.377001
UB1 2AH 24 0 51.513493 -0.378112
UB1 2AJ 29 0 51.514252 -0.377754
UB1 2AL 34 0 51.512225 -0.37882
UB1 2AN 31 0 51.512934 -0.379314
UB1 2AP 34 0 51.515517 -0.379467
UB1 2AQ 32 0 51.515199 -0.377951
UB1 2AR 6 1 51.516828 -0.379363
UB1 2AS 41 1 51.516878 -0.381004
UB1 2AT 24 0 51.516111 -0.381507
UB1 2AU 30 0 51.515346 -0.381433
UB1 2AW 35 0 51.514127 -0.379098
UB1 2AX 33 0 51.512061 -0.37995
UB1 2AY 31 1 51.512742 -0.38043
UB1 2AZ 61 1 51.513719 -0.380857